
noch/args is a library for parsing the command line arguments and flags.


Function noch_is_arg_flag

bool noch_is_arg_flag(const char *arg);

Checks if the specified argument is a flag.


Name Description
arg The null-terminated argument string.

Return value

Returns true if the argument is a flag but its not equal to -- (flags end), otherwise returns false.

Function noch_is_arg_long_flag

bool noch_is_arg_long_flag(const char *arg);

Checks if the specified argument is a long flag.


Name Description
arg The null-terminated argument string.

Return value

Returns true if the argument is a long flag (prefixed with --) but its not equal to -- (flags end), otherwise returns false.

Function noch_is_arg_flags_end

bool noch_is_arg_flags_end(const char *arg);

Checks if the specified argument is a flags end.


Name Description
arg The null-terminated argument string.

Return value

Returns true if the argument is equal to -- (flags end), otherwise returns false.

Function noch_flag_str

void noch_flag_str(const char *short_name, const char *long_name, const char *desc, char **var);

Registers a char* flag with the specified name, description and value variable.


Name Description
short_name The null-terminated short name of the flag.
long_name The null-terminated long name of the flag.
desc The null-terminated description of the flag.
var A pointer to the variable used for the flag value. The current value of the variable is used as the default value of the flag.

Function noch_flag_char

void noch_flag_char(const char *short_name, const char *long_name, const char *desc, char *var);

Registers a char flag with the specified name, description and value variable.


Name Description
short_name The null-terminated short name of the flag.
long_name The null-terminated long name of the flag.
desc The null-terminated description of the flag.
var A pointer to the variable used for the flag value. The current value of the variable is used as the default value of the flag.

Function noch_flag_int

void noch_flag_int(const char *short_name, const char *long_name, const char *desc, int *var);

Registers an int flag with the specified name, description and value variable.


Name Description
short_name The null-terminated short name of the flag.
long_name The null-terminated long name of the flag.
desc The null-terminated description of the flag.
var A pointer to the variable used for the flag value. The current value of the variable is used as the default value of the flag.

Function noch_flag_size

void noch_flag_size(const char *short_name, const char *long_name, const char *desc, size_t *var);

Registers a size_t flag with the specified name, description and value variable.


Name Description
short_name The null-terminated short name of the flag.
long_name The null-terminated long name of the flag.
desc The null-terminated description of the flag.
var A pointer to the variable used for the flag value. The current value of the variable is used as the default value of the flag.

Function noch_flag_num

void noch_flag_num(const char *short_name, const char *long_name, const char *desc, double *var);

Registers a double flag with the specified name, description and value variable.


Name Description
short_name The null-terminated short name of the flag.
long_name The null-terminated long name of the flag.
desc The null-terminated description of the flag.
var A pointer to the variable used for the flag value. The current value of the variable is used as the default value of the flag.

Function noch_flag_bool

void noch_flag_bool(const char *short_name, const char *long_name, const char *desc, bool *var);

Registers a bool flag with the specified name, description and value variable.


Name Description
short_name The null-terminated short name of the flag.
long_name The null-terminated long name of the flag.
desc The null-terminated description of the flag.
var A pointer to the variable used for the flag value. The current value of the variable is used as the default value of the flag.

Function noch_args_err_to_str

const char *noch_args_err_to_str(noch_args_err_t err);

Gives a string description of the error.


Name Description
err The error value.

Return value

Returns the null-terminated string description.

Function noch_args_new

noch_args_t noch_args_new(int argc, const char **argv);

Creates a new noch_args_t struct from the passed arguments.


Name Description
argc The arguments count. Assigned to .c.
argv The arguments list. Assigned to .v and .base.

Return value

Returns the created noch_args_t.

Function noch_args_shift

const char *noch_args_shift(noch_args_t *args);

Extracts the first argument and shifts the arguments by incrementing .v and decrementing .c.


Name Description
args Pointer to the arguments to shift.

Return value

Returns the extracted null-terminated argument.

Function noch_args_parse_flags

noch_args_err_t noch_args_parse_flags(noch_args_t *args, size_t *where,
                                      size_t *end, noch_args_t *stripped);

Parses the flags in the passed arguments and saves their values.


Name Description
args Pointer to the arguments to parse.
where Pointer to the variable where the error position will be saved. Ignored if it is NULL.
end Pointer to the variable where the position of the last flag (or of the flags end) will be saved. Ignored if it is NULL.
stripped Pointer to where the non-flag arguments will be allocated with NOCH_ALLOC. Ignored if it is NULL.

Return value

If an error happened, the error value is returned. Otherwise, NOCH_ARGS_OK is returned.

Function noch_fprint_flags_usage

void noch_fprint_flags_usage(FILE *file);

Prints the short names, long names, descriptions and default values of registered flags. Descriptions are alligned and offset by 4 spaces. Default values dont get printed if the flag is of type bool and its default value is false, or if the flag is of type char* and its default value is NULL.


Name Description
file The file stream to output into.

Function noch_fprint_usage

void noch_fprint_usage(FILE *file, const char *name, const char **usages,
                       size_t usages_count, const char *desc, bool print_flags);

Prints program usage.


Name Description
file The file stream to output into.
name The app name.
usages List of the apps usages. Not printed if NULL.
usages_count Length of the usages list.
desc Description of the app. Not printed if NULL.
print_flags Registered flags printing toggle.


Type noch_args_err_t

Error values returned by noch_args_parse_flags.


Value Description
NOCH_ARGS_OK No error (Success).
NOCH_ARGS_UNKNOWN_FLAG An unknown unregistered flag was encountered.
NOCH_ARGS_MISSING Flag value is missing.
NOCH_ARGS_EXTRA Extra arguments after or in between flags.
NOCH_ARGS_OUT_OF_MEM Out of memory.
NOCH_ARGS_EXPECTED_STR Expected string value for char* flag.
NOCH_ARGS_EXPECTED_CHAR Expected character value for char flag.
NOCH_ARGS_EXPECTED_SIZE Expected size value for size_t flag.
NOCH_ARGS_EXPECTED_NUM Expected floating point number value for double flag.
NOCH_ARGS_EXPECTED_BOOL Expected boolean value for bool flag.

Type noch_args_t

typedef struct {
    size_t       c;
    const char **v;
    char       **base;
} noch_args_t;

The command line arguments structure. .c is the arguments count, .v is the arguments list and .base is the base of the arguments list (used for freeing when allocated on the heap).


Name Description
c The arguments count.
v The arguments list.
base The base (start) of the arguments list. Used for freeing when allocated on the heap.
